Saturday, April 11, 2009

Special 1 TV- Season 1 Episode 8

Another Newcastle?
No, not that bad.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

DC United Stadium Situation

So the thing I don't understand with the DC United stadium situation is that Prince Georges County approached the team when the funding was falling through at Poplar Point. So why is Prince Georges County now voting 8-0 against studying the impacts of a stadium? It is not good form to approach a team and lure them to your municipality and then deny them the ability to build a stadium. I really feel bad for DC United as they are the most storied MLS franchise and the most sucessful team in the DC area over the past 10 years and they cannot get a stadium of their own. St. Louis or bust!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Burger King Commercial- I Like Square Butts

I thought this video was hilarious to begin with, but when I found out that it was for a BK kids meal, I totally lost it? Did we really just put liking a female's square butt in a commercial for a kids meal? Gotta love this country. Oh, and I have phone book implants.

And as my boy Adam pointed out, if you eat at BK, the burger is going to go right to your ass. So the commercial is appropriate.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Appalachian Brewing Company- Espresso Stout

Last night I went back to Appalachian Brewing Company for dinner and the waitress told me that they had an Espresso Stout available. I had not previously tried the Espresso Stout, nor did I know that ABC made one. The flavor of the beer was excellent, crafting a nice blend of chocolate and espresso flavors. I had a few other beers throughout the night, but I came back to the Espresso Stout for my last beer, as I enjoyed it very much. It drinks very smooth, as anticipated for being a Stout. The flavors are not overpowering, but very complimentary and they make the drinking of the beer an enjoyable experience. I highly recommend going to ABC to try this beer today.

Special 1 TV- Season 1 Episode 7

I love Sven trying to get a job with Newcastle after getting canned by Mexico and Ronaldo crying is hilarious.  Enjoy!