I picked up a bottle of
AleSmith YuleSmith Holiday Ale (Winter) from Brass Rail in Campbelltown. Since I had previously had the Summer version of this beer, I could not pass up the winter version. The beer pours a reddish amber color with a foamy white head. The aroma consists of a sweet Belgian yeast with pine, lemon, and grapefruit. The taste is sweet with candisugar and Belgian yeast before the hops kick in, and boy do they! There is a nice punch of lemon, pine, and grapefruit that leaves a nice drying imprint on the tongue. The after taste comes back with an orange sweetness that is very candy-like. The alcohol content is 8.5% ABV. The winter version of the YuleSmith Holiday Ale plays wonderful tricks on the tongue between candy sweetness and hop bitterness; a great holiday treat!
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