Monday, January 30, 2012

De Struise Brouwers Sint Amatus 12

The final beer I ordered at Monk’s in Philadelphia on a recent lunch trip was De Struise Brouwers Sint Amatus 12. The beer pours a caramel color with a thin filmy off-white colored head. The aroma consists of caramel, cocoa, raisin, and malts. The taste is boozy and malty with lots of caramel, raisin, and fig. Some chocolate figures its way in to the flavor with some yeast as well. There is a dry alcohol finish and the after taste also dry with plenty of booze. The alcohol content is 10.5% ABV. As for the style of Belgian Quad, this beer hits the nail on the head. It has great dark fruit and chocolate flavors with a dry boozy accent that lets you know it’s a double digit alcohol beer.

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