Saturday, February 6, 2010

Matt and Mike's Homebrew

My friends Matt and Mike have their own homebrewing operation and asked if I would like to try their beer. I obviously accepted and offered to give them some blog space in return for the beers. I hope to venture into homebrewing in the near future, so the final product of a homebrew complete interests me.

The first beer I tried was the Oktoberfest. The beer has an amber color with a thin white bubbly head. It smells sweet and malty. The taste is sweet and malty with a slight sour finish. I liked the freshness and flavoring, and it had a perfect sour finish.

The second beer I had was the Dunkleweizen. The beer has a dark amber color with a thin filmy head. The smell consists of sweet malts and alcohol. The taste is malty and alcohol bite on finish. I thought that the Dunkleweisen was pretty tasty.

The third beer I had was the Belgian Abbey. The beer has a gold color with a light head. The smell consists of sweet malts. The taste is packed with alcohol and and malts. This was my favorite of the six-pack I was provided and is a very tasty abbey.

The fourth beer I tried was the Irish Stout. The beer has a dark brown color with a nice tan head. The beer smells of toasted malts. The taste is light chocolate with toasted malts. I thought the Irish Stout was a multidimensional stout and I really like it.

The fifth beer I had was the Bavarian Wheat with American Yeast. The beer has copper color with a lofty foamy white head. The smell is lightly hoppy and smells of wheat. The taste is sweet and full of yeast and light malts. It was a light beer with great taste.

The sixth and final beer I had was the Bavarian Wheat with Belgian Yeast. The beer has a copper color with a think bubbly head. The smell is malty and sweet. The taste is very good and sweet with a good alcohol finish. The interesting fact about the Bavarian Wheat beers is that the yeast was the only variation between the two beers and the character of the two beers is completely different.

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