Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Samuel Adams Cinder Bock

I picked up a bottle of Samuel Adams Cinder Bock from Al’s of Hampden.  The beer pours a dark amber color with a lofty and frothy off-white colored head. The aroma consists of smoke, caramel, malts, bacon, and charcoal. The taste is smoky and dry with plenty of charcoal and bacon flavors on the front end. There is a nice caramel sweetness that lies underneath the smoke to balance it out well enough that it isn’t overpowering with smoke. It taste almost like a cookout. The alcohol content is 9.4% ABV. I thorough enjoyed this. While the smoke could have been a little more intense, it was balanced rather well with the sweet caramel base of the beer.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That sounds like a winner! I've been really into smoke/rauch beers lately and I didn't need to read anything more than "smoke, caramel, malts, bacon, & charcoal." I've been debating picking it up, but you have settled that for me. Cheers!
