Friday, December 2, 2011

Evil Twin Brewing 9th Symphony

I picked up a bottle of Evil Twin Brewing (no website?!) 9th Symphony at Al’s of Hampden, and this was my first exposure to this brewery. The beer pours a golden color with a lofty and foamy white head that lingers for an extremely long time and leaves some lacing on the glass. The aroma consists of pepper, oak, Belgian yeast, oak, wine, and earthy tones. The mouth feel is bubbly and very carbonated on the tongue. The taste is dry and yeasty with candisugar, oak, wine, pepper and dirty and earthy tones on the finish. The alcohol content is 9.0% ABV. I think this beer would have fallen on the sweeter side of things in its orphan state, but maturing it in wine barrels really added a dry oakiness to it with some wine accents as well. It actually falls on the dry side now, but it was quite delicious.

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